Buy Nicotinell Gum Online from Pharmacy Discounter
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Details about Nicotinell Gum
What is nicotinell gum?
Nicotinell gum is an aid for smokers who what to quit. The gum contains nicotine which is used to assist smokers wean themselves off nicotine dependency.
How does nicotinell gum work?
It works by alleviating nicotine withdrawal symptoms, making smokers much more likely to kick the habit.
The nicotinell gum is chewed and nicotine is absorbed into the bloodstream via the lining of the mouth. This allows the person to flexibly and conveniently control cigarette cravings and nasty withdrawal symptoms like headaches, sweating, Lack of concentration, fatigue, coughs, constipation, insomnia, depression and so on.
How to use nicotinell gum
First, decide which strength is for you. There are two available strengths: 2mg and 4mg. If you smoke less than 20 cigarettes a day, or you have your cigarette 30 minutes after waking up, choose the 2mg. If you are more dependent on nicotine, you have a smoke within 30 minutes of waking up or smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day, then the 4mg will provide you with a larger dose of nicotine.
Secondly, you must chew the nicotinell gum as directed. That is, chew slowly until you feel a tingling or the peppery flavour develops, then place (park) it between your cheek and gums, and allow the nicotine to be absorbed through the lining of your mouth. You should hold the gum between your cheek and gum for roughly one minute, or until the tingling stops. Then repeat the procedure. The gum should be used until the taste runs out, which should take about half an hour.
The gum should be taken when you feel the craving for a cigarette.
Do not exceed the dosage on the package. After two to three months,
gradual weaning off the gum should begin. You can start to replace
nicotinell gum with regular (non-nicotine) gum.
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